

Tab Suspender

Shipped side project. UX & UI Redesign of a desktop app, user number increased by 300%+ on the release day.

Some Screenshots

Tab Suspender: Save Your Web Browser

I worked alone as a Product Designer with an indie developer to make the look and feel of Tab Suspender better. This app helps macOS users by suspending tabs they aren't using, cutting down on memory and CPU use by up to 60%. This also means less battery use. After we released the new version 2.0, users number increased by 300%+ on the first day!

What Happened Next:

The redesign of Tab Suspender was a big success. It showed that good design can make users much happier and more interested in an app.

Even though Tab Suspender is not available in the Mac App Store anymore because things have changed and it's not needed like before, the work I did on this project is a big part of my portfolio. It shows I can create designs that really help and attract users.

User Email about the new Tab Suspender:

After Tab Suspender 2.0 released, I received a user email saying "...I just wanted to say thanks for the good job. It's always nice to use well designed things."

I couldn't be happier to hear those words.